Friday, June 15, 2012

A Free Loader Found

There is a newly discovered  free loading creature on The Derby Farm, and I am quite glad to have it.  I had a glimpse of  it once before, but not quite like I did a few days ago.
Thinking that I'd give the sheep a snack, I whipped back the silver tarp from atop the alfalfa hay, and there it was in full view. A very large and beautiful snake. Took me a bit by surprised, so I did let out a little yelp.  Not being shy of a woman calling to her friends to come take a look, the snake remained right where it was, which made it easier for us to catch it to take a closer look. 
There are mice who sometimes nibble on the eggs in the aviary before I have a chance to collect them.  They have also made little nests underneath the pallet where I keep the hay for the sheep. These fattened mice must make very nice eating for a local snake.  There are also numerous gofers and voles, frogs and toads and other delicious morsels a snake enjoys. So, we made sure to release the slithery creature right back where we found it. As long as it is not the one nibble on the duck and chicken eggs.
So, it is nice to have a snake near the garden on The Derby Farm.


  1. I thought you might tell us the name of the species of snake...? Good that it's a mouser!

    1. This is a gopher snake. It's big enough, maybe this year it will eat the colony of gophers we have!
